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Drawing Wiff Waffles Big Bow Gorl Line Art

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Traced and colored a coloring page made by @drawingwiffwaffles! Well, one and a third, I had to add little miss hufflepuff.

This page was giving me Hogwarts vibes, so I had to color it! Hope y'all enjoy another random thing I did while procrastinating half my responsibilities.

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OG pieces ^^^

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People you should follow

Jazza. He is a big youtuber in the art comunity, hes like the bob ross of our time, he makes all kinds of art from sculptures till paintings. Hes funny, he will try out lots of different suplies, he also has moments where he give people shout outs. Hes from a humble backround and worked his way up with art.

ADC artatack. He is a neurodiverse artist who also has some colour blindnes. He is known for his drawing in 10 styles, proffesional artist colours childerens book and cheap vs expensive art suplies, I also follow him on twitter and twitch, hes a cool dude who mostly replies, hes funny and I love his vibes.

Doodledate. they are a wholesome couple that does art together, stefanie does youtube videos once in a while with adam, their videos are wholesome and fun, addam has his twich, every stream is relax and fun to watch.

Kattvalk. I love cat art and her cat intermissions, how she uses different art suplies.

Tasting history with max. This gentel man worked at disney as a prince, but due covid found himself a new passion who makes food from the past while explaining the history behind each dish, he is funny and you will learn new stuff from him.

Ask a mortian. Shes a death postive who want to teach people that death isnt just a negative thing, she teaches about death and the whole culture behind it, she is very good in perfomans and funny. She works for a non profit funeral home.

Drawingwiffwafles: Amazing art channel where she explain how she does her art, where she use art boxes.

Royalty soaps: A amazing lady who makes soap but also does crafting, her soap process is amazing and she would tell wholesome stories about her past of present.

Moria elizabeth: Queen of squizys, I love her channel, she bakes sometimes, she draws and paint, she remakes squizys or does other unique chalanges

Nerd e crafter, she tests out craft kids, makes her own crafts, has a cute parot and a fun sister, she also tests out mobile games.

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anyway i was watching drawingwiffwaffles uhh aesthetic video and drew what i thought the aesthetics would look like :)

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heRe we go-

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we got rain garbage!

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nebula core

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and lava overlord

sorry for the crap quality of the pictures i can't hold my hands still :>

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Edit: tumblr is being stupid and put everything out of order and got rid of the read more :/

Looking through my art tag and seeing how little there is after the colored pen sketches makes me sad. I was trying not to group too much together but I dont want to spam peoples dashes.

Top left are artist trading cards I had to make, all of them youtubers except Vincent van gough. From left top to bottom is Oliver, a youtuber that does both traditional and digital art. He talks a lot about his charecters and stories and they're always so cool and interesting! After that is Julia, Karina, Nathan, and Jacob. They do videos together under the name drawfee and they each have such unique ideas and styles. They do digital art and lots of fun challenges. They also do a dnd like campaign called drawtectives where they have to draw things at certain points. After Jacob is Drawingwiffwaffles. She does mostly traditional nowadays but she still does some digital. She gets those monthly boxes of supplies and draws things with them. She also likes designing charecters and showing her process. Next is LavenderTowne who rarely does traditional but mostly sticks to digital. She has multiple series like do this not that (an art tip series), drawing charecters how they were described in the book, turning random things into cute charecter designs, creepy pasta readings and illustration, and more. Kasey Golden is next. She mostly does traditional but its not horribly uncommon for her to do digital. She has a very unique style that is fun and playful. She goes through phases of what medium she wants to work in and does all of them well in my opinion. She either likes to make a drawing very silly or a bit creepy but its all fun! And last is Jazza who does whatever medium and media he feels like. From acrylic, to alcohol markers, and even wood carving, he'll give anything a chance. He has a side channel that focuses on table top gaming called tabletoptime where they also paint miniatures and make dioramas.

The next photo is drawings of in order: elena, Morgan, Greenland, sota, malcolms mom, noahs step-dad, and Hepatica.

The next photo is a cover idea for a stupid indulgent homestuck fancomic that is a human au and a mermaid au that I started back in early high-school that I felt like it had potential to be more than stickfigure drawings. Karkat is on the bottom. Im not talking about the other charecter besides the fact that she's a bitchy mermaid princess.

Next photo is Alice, Morgan, and Hepatica hanging out together.

Next photo is a terrifying attempt to draw my cat Kylo.

Next is a year old school assignment where I had to make tiny squares on a cereal box and then enlarge them a stupid amount and color them. I did lucky charms.

Next is colored version of the Morgan dancing drunk to the song im having sex with a ghost.

Next is a drawing of Canada and how I picture him for my fics.

Next is a drawing of America and how I picture him in my fics.

Last is a picture of a headshot of America in his signature jacket.

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A while back @drawingwiffwaffles posted a video on YouTube of the coloring page challenge, where she combined a famous painting with a coloring page - I was inspired to do my own take with Raphael's Triumph of Galatea ✨

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Hey there, I've made some fan art for DrawingWiffWaffles of her witch sisters, Sage and Hyacinth! She shared a deeply emotional story about them on YouTube that spoke about coping with grief, and that really resonated with me. Please check out the videos if you haven't already! As far as I'm aware the story does not have a name, I just made one up for the sake of this poster-esque composition, so it is by no means official! I just thought it would add a bit of irony given that the cat's "advice" was far from sage in the end, though admittedly it might be a bit too punny for the more serious subject matter. ^^' I haven't done a fully black-and-white piece in a long time, but I'm quite proud of this (and I'm a sucker for any kind of star imagery lol)!

Rin, if you're reading this, I'd like to thank you not only for the inspiration now and over the years, but for sharing this incredibly personal story with us. It takes a lot of courage to express something like this with such vulnerability, even if you aren't specific about the sources that inspired it. Grief is something that never truly leaves you, but the burden to carry it will get lighter with time. From one stranger to another, I hope that what you're going through will make way for better things to come as soon as possible. <3

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the lineart was made by "DrawinggWiffWaffles" on Youtube, I just colored it

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Hello! Welcome to my blog!

Hello you can call me Shadows Creek (she/her) and this is pretty much an art blog dedicated to my art :D This Blog is also for me practicing my art skills (Cause they do need some work). I hope you like my art and maybe get inspired to create your own!

P.S You are free to use my art but with credit please!

(Profile pic by M.Jay check them out! )

People I follow/watch for inspo!

🧇 Drawingwiffwaffles:

🐺 Climbdraws

🐱 M.Jay Warriors art!

✨ Dotstar

🪐 satzzzwarriorcats


Dina Norlund 🐉

Jel Arts




Artara Studios

Ice Cream Sandwich

I also use pinterest A LOT I don't really have a set person on pinterest that I follow/watch but I save whatever I find interesting or whatever refs I use 🙃

(I will keep updating this if I find some other people for inspo)

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Waffles and ABD uploading at the same time? I'VE BEEN BLESSED

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Here's a redraw of a sketch based on DrawingWiffWaffles's drawing that I did last year.

Here's a link to the video:


I did the first one in April 2020, and the recent one just this April 26. I must say. damn, I've improved a lot. It's so nice to look at all the things I've gotten better or worse at. And the fact that it's been a long while since I last watched Rin's videos makes this all the more nostalgic. I'm most happy of the fact that the recent render isn't as stiff as the previous, though.

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I was watching Drawingwiffwaffles' new video and for some reason the boy she was drawing gave me Gansey vibes.

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I don't really want to make a person with snail elements.. I want a snail with opposable thumbs, you know what I mean?

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How to COLOR without LINEART | Tutorial by DrawingWiffWaffles

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Some Owl house fanart done with a scrawler box featuring one of my favorite artists! @drawingwiffwaffles

I really love her YouTube and she's really made me feel like I can achieve becoming an artist! So this ones for you ;3

The owl house is a awesome animated kids show by Disney I recommend checking it as it's something special!

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decided to colour some of drawingwiffwaffles's free lineart!! she's a very vaporwave-y gal and i had fun experimenting with screen tones :'3 feels so weird having my name next to drawingwiffwaffles's name lol [ deviantart version | free lineart download source ]

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Drawing Wiff Waffles Big Bow Gorl Line Art
